The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and the end of 2024 is approaching. This is a time for reflection and looking ahead, and what a year it has been!
Both personally and professionally I have pushed boundaries, learned and enjoyed intensely. And as always, 'the mussel' is central to my story.
Let's look back at 2024 together – and look ahead to what 2025 will bring.
Ok cool, I'm going to digress for a moment. Because that's brilliant. Daydreaming for a moment..
When we talk about mussels, many people think of the months with an 'R': from September to April. But did you know that the real year of the mussel already starts in May? This is the time of preparation, reflection and construction, a period in which mussels grow and become stronger. The mussel spring runs until August, after which the mussel season reaches its peak in the 'R months'.
Why do we stick to the Julian calendar? Imagine a calendar based on the life cycle of the mussel. Two seasons, with time for reflection and preparation in spring and summer, and action and results in autumn and winter. A perfect metaphor for balance in life and work.
And then move New Year's Eve to the end of April? 🙂
This year has had unparalleled highs, but also deep lows. The loss of my mother in early 2024 was one of the most profound moments. A void that is felt every day. But strangely enough, her absence also brought closeness: a constant feeling that she is looking over my shoulder, guiding and supporting me. It has become a source of strength to make her proud with everything I do.
At the same time, 2024 was full of personal and professional highlights:
'Mossels from Brossels' is my playground, the place where creativity, playfulness and collaboration meet. Here I test new initiatives and bring people together. Whether it's teambuilding, coaching sessions or the now famous Musselsoupés, everything revolves around connection and growth.
In 2024 I learned how important it is to make choices. What adds value? Where do I want to grow? And where do I need to make room? These questions will also be my compass in 2025.
2025 will be a year of new seeds, experiments and collaborations. Some plans I am really looking forward to:
My goal remains clear: to make the world a little more beautiful through creativity. Small and large sparks of creativity.
And that is only possible together!
Looking back on 2024, I feel deep gratitude. For the people around me, the adventures I was able to experience and the lessons I learned. And I am excitedly looking forward to 2025 – a year in which new opportunities, ideas and connections are central.
Let's celebrate mussel season together, reflect in mussel spring and build something beautiful. Want to know more about what 'mussels from Brossels' can do for you or your team? Get in touch - I'm happy to help!
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