Don't look to far: A real mossel soupé (for a good cause)
April 30, 2025


Brussels, Saint-Gilles

We often take creativity too far. We want to be unique. Offering the latest on the market. Innovative, groundbreaking, never thought of before. We dream of solving all the world's problems.

Recognizable? I too am guilty of this. I often look for polarities, explore new methodologies, and get inspired by what has not yet been discovered. But then I often get the question:

“And do you also sell mussels?” “Oh, we expected mussels on the mossel soupé.”

That's why this mossel soup is all about… a real mossel soupé!

Enjoy eating mussels together, with friends, acquaintances, partners and sympathizers. Because nothing is as connecting as sitting down at the table together and enjoying a delicious meal.

But we certainly don't forget to be creative. Mussels and creativity? That goes together perfectly! This time we look for inspiration not far, but close by. In ourselves, in our conversations, and in our connections with others. Are you vegetarian or vegan? No problem. We also provide you with a delicious vegetarian or vegan meal.

4 reasons to join this mussel soup

  1. Creativity close by – Sometimes creativity is easier than we think. This evening is about discovering what works for you.
  2. Connecting together – Eating mussels is a social experience. We share large plates and enjoy together.
  3. For a good cause – Combating loneliness and supporting Accolage. This evening is also a tribute to my mother, a moment of reflection in busy times.
  4. The end of the mussel year – A moment of reflection on the seasons and the cycle of creativity and growth.


  • A cozy evening with mussels and fries à volonté, served on large platters at the table. Or delicious veggie lasagna, also à volonté.
  • Little surprises in between to make the evening special.
  • You decide how much you contribute, the proceeds go entirely to Accolage.
  • Drinks are at your own expense and will benefit the venue.

How do I register?

  1. Discover the program on the page.
  2. Select how many people you wish to register with.
  3. Choose your meal: mussels or a vegetarian option (vegetable lasagna).
  4. Determine your contribution and pay via the link you will receive by email or on site at the event.

Register in advance! Places are limited and this way we can estimate the food correctly.

Why April 30th?

The months with an 'R' - from September to April - are known as the mussel months. But did you know that the real year of the mussel starts in May? This is the time of preparation, reflection and growth. The mussel season reaches its peak in the R months, and this evening we celebrate that end in a unique and creative way.

And all for a good cause.

All proceeds from this mossel soupé will go to Accolage, a fantastic charity that helps neighbors to help neighbors. Accolage promotes informal help, connects people in local networks and strengthens social cohesion in neighborhoods. Their mission? Supporting the elderly and vulnerable people so that they can continue to live independently and fully in their familiar environment.

Creativity only really flourishes when we are not alone. Together we make a difference.

Your contribution will help to continue this project and combat loneliness.

Register now!


Illustrations (4)
Gert-Jan Loix
The driving force behind Mossels from Brossels and a great believer in collaboration and creativity. Gert-Jan initiates this mussel soup to give something back to society and combat loneliness.
Speakers mussels website (5)
Would you like to put your shoulders to the wheel of this project? We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help in the kitchen, in the hall or to spread the word. Also register via the link below and let us know via
Practical information


Apr 30, 2025

– the last day of the mussel year and the last month with an 'R'.




Piano Factory; Fortstraat 35, 1060 Sint-Gillis

Brussels, Saint-Gilles


Voluntary contribution (Most participants donate between €30 and €100 to charity)

As a participant, choose how much you wish to contribute. This is because we believe in the principle of giving according to ability and value. Your contribution helps us to continue and expand this work.


Share this event with your network and help us grow the feeling.

Register for the event

Leave your details here to reserve your place (or that of you and your colleagues). We will process your registration as quickly as possible. And this way you can immediately join the loop for all the information :) Please note, not every field is mandatory to fill in (only with a *)

Your name *
Which event do you want to register for? (Select one or more events from the list; Multiple can be done by holding down shift) *
Language *
With how many ppl would you like to subscribe *
What voluntary contribution would you like to make to this event? (incl. VAT)
Do you have any special requests for the snack? (Mossels is also available for vegans, for example)
E-mail *
Phone number *

If you would like an invoice for your organisation, this is surely possible! Leave your details here and we'll send you an invoice asap.

Your organization

There are no corners cut in our data management! => privacy policy

Please select form to show

Calculate the price of this activity

Fill in the details. The calculator will automatically calculate your price.

Number of participants? *
Number of hours? *

Price for a short session (2 hours)

Price short session (2 hours) from (in euros excl. VAT)
Price per participant 2h from (in euros)

Price for a session (half day)

price 4 hours from (in euros excl. VAT)
price 4 hours - per participant from (in euros excl. VAT)

Price for a session (full day)

Price full day from (in euros excl. VAT)
Price full day / per participant from (In euros excl. VAT)

*Please note that this calculation is only an estimate based on the number of participants. The actual price may depend on a number of factors and may therefore differ from the calculated price. For a correct price, request a quote. We will answer your request within 48 hours.