With Mossels from Brossels we often come into contact with entrepreneurs of growth companies. We guide them on their path to success in leadership and team dynamics. We often hear inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who approach things a little differently than usual - and with success. Discover their insights and tips here!
Siemon, professional photographer “I work with many organizations, from service providers to manufacturing companies, and I hear the same thing everywhere: it is difficult to find and retain the right people during growth. A new employee is only fully deployable after six months, and that requires a large investment. That is why the right selection is crucial.”
How do you ensure that your existing employees take your future ones along for the ride? How do you turn them into ambassadors? How do they get to know each other on a deeper level?
These are questions we will search for in your team with mossels from brossels. Images can play a wonderful role in this 😉
Freek, entrepreneur in Gamification “Growing doesn’t always mean expanding. Sometimes you have to prune to become stronger. As our company scaled, we found ourselves operating inefficiently. We had to make tough choices and let go of team members. It was tough, but necessary to continue growing sustainably.”
By focusing on the right customers, the core of the product and the business strategy we were able to work more efficiently and become profitable. Avoiding difficult decisions, such as keeping inefficient structures or teams for too long, can be a pitfall. Dare to prune where necessary!
Sometimes the collaboration stops and then (just as can be seen in the video of the Christmas tree) it is necessary to properly guide the exit.
Is your company in a growth phase and do you need help with strategic decisions?
Siemen, HR manager in a fast-growing IT company “As our company grew from 10 to 50 employees, we noticed that the team engagement decreased. To prevent this, we created the role of Employee Happiness Manager. This role forms the bridge between developers and management and focuses on open communication, coaching and team activities.”
A strong company culture and a good engagement program ensure that employees feel involved and are less likely to leave. Depending on your organization, this role can be filled on a hybrid or full-time basis.
Need help setting up this role?
Joeri, entrepreneur and expert by experience “I have founded five companies and experienced acquisitions in the past 20 years. One of the biggest challenges during growth is change management. New structures, different management styles and an evolving corporate culture often create resistance within teams.”
In mergers, acquisitions or digital transformations, it is crucial to properly guide employees. Transparent communication, strategic coaching and a clear vision of the future help to get everyone on board. Sometimes a small incentive is enough, sometimes a longer process is needed.
Is your company in a growth phase and do you need help with strategic decisions?
Growing as a company brings unique challenges. By learning from these entrepreneurs and thinking strategically about talent management, engagement, change management and strategic choices, you can shape your growth in a sustainable way. Interested in guidance? Mossels from Brossels is ready to support you!
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