Great that you filled out the test! It is a good indicator to estimate how your team scores on cooperation.
The test is questions. based on the model of Patrick Lencioni, known for the “Five Dysfunctions of a Team. The model provides an essential framework for improving team dynamics.
The five frustrations; lack of mutual to trust, avoidance of conflicts, lack of involvement, avoid from responsibility and not focus on collective results, are obstacles that can hinder your team's collaboration. By recognizing and actively addressing these frustrations, you improve performance and create a healthy team culture.
Great! You've already taken the first step. You've completed the test.
Now of course you can take further steps. Up-to-you.
The model always works from bottom to top. Did you score low on giving feedback, for example, but high on trust? Then this could be an indication that your team needs to work on this.
For example, did you score high on results, but low on involvement? Then you should start at a lower level. After all, the foundations are so important to skip. Discover the steps that are needed here, depending on your result.
Also find out what you do to make it a topic of discussion with your teammates.
Trust within teams flourishes through openness and honesty. Weaknesses are admitted and team members dare to ask each other for help. Acceptance of questions and input from others. Team members give each other the benefit of the doubt.
Is trust in your team running smoothly? Are you ready to grow further as a team?
Feedback is that something negative? As true Flemish people we have the habit of avoiding confrontation. Differences in opinions are just as important.
Meetings become more interesting. Ideas are really challenged. The most important topics are really discussed.
Do you already deal with conflicts constructively?
A team that acts as a unit creates clarity about direction and priorities. It unites around common goals.
It develops the ability to learn from mistakes and take advantage of opportunities before the competition does.
Does your team already act and change direction without hesitation or guilt?
Colleagues who challenge each other on their roles feel more motivated to do their best. They quickly identify potential problems by not hesitating to question a colleague's approach and foster mutual respect for high standards. They avoid excessive bureaucracy in performance management and corrective action.
Do you already hold each other accountable for responsibilities?
A team focused on collective results retains performance-oriented employees and minimizes individualistic behavior. It enjoys success and suffers failure, benefits from individuals who subordinate their own goals to the team interest, and avoids distraction.
Are you already pulling together in collaboration?
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